Glade 3.8.5 Released! (GTK+ 2)
Juan Pablo Ugarte
2014-05-12 19:33:48 UTC
This is the fifth bug-fix release in the 3.8 series.

I has several useful backports like GtkComboBoxText support, proper
object dependency sort using a topological algorithm and a new feature
that makes glade remember unknown object classes.

As usual this version of Glade targets Gtk+ 2.

What is Glade?
Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user
interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.
The user interfaces designed in Glade are saved as XML, and by using
the GtkBuilder GTK+ object these can be loaded by applications
dynamically as needed.

By using GtkBuilder, Glade XML files can be used in numerous
programming languages including C, C++, C#, Vala, Java, Perl,
Python, and others.

Glade 3.8.5
- Backported topological sort object dependency (Thomas Martitz)
- Closes Bug 709609 "[PATCH] Change way of sorting before
writing XML output."
- Fixes Bug 711858 "editing glade project results in long CPU
usage spikes after upgrading to 3.16 and GTK+3.10"
- Closes Bug 689667 "backport support for GtkComboBoxText"
(Rafał Mużyło)
- Backported feature to make GladeProject remember unknown
object classes

Where can I get it ?


Direct Download:

https://download.gnome.org/sources/glade/3.8/glade3-3.8.5.tar.xz (2.2M)

For more information on the Glade project see our home page
at http://glade.gnome.org/

Juan Pablo

Glade-users maillist - Glade-***@lists.ximian.com
